Melbourne Sexual Health Centre  - Monash University






Annual surveys of Sexual Activities and Practices    

Short Title: 



Project Number:



Principal Investigator:  


Prof Eric Chow

Associate Investigators:


Prof Christopher Fairley, Prof Jane Hocking, Prof Catriona Bradshaw, Dr Tiffany Phillips 



Melbourne Sexual Health Centre 580 Swanston Street, Carlton, VIC 3053, Australia


Part 1   What does participation involve?

  1. Introduction

You are invited to answer up to 4-7 extra questions on the computer today because we are trying to understand more about the sexual activities and practices related to kissing, oral sex and group sex. The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes. This study was previously known as the “Australian surveys of Sexual Activities and Practices”. 

This form tells you about the research project and what is involved.

Participation in this research is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you don’t have to. You will receive the best possible care whether or not you take part. The clinician you see will not know if you have participated or not.  

If you decide you want to take part in the research project, just complete the extra questions.  If you do not wish to, simply push the ‘no – prefer to stop’ button.  

Please keep this Participant Information sheet.

  1. What is the purpose of this research?

We would like to understand the pattern of kissing, oral sex and group sex in the population because this may help explain why some sexually transmitted infections are changing. This survey will be running in March and April every year.  

  1. What does participation in this research involve?

If you participate in the project, just answer the additional questions on the computer as you register. There would be no change in your treatment. We will compare your responses to any STI test results you have today. Your answers to this questionnaire and test results will only be used for research purpose only. The questions will not appear in your medical record and the clinician who sees you today will not know whether you have answered them or not.  

  1. What are the possible benefits of taking part? 

There will be no clear benefit to you personally from your participation in this research. There may be a benefit to you and others in the future if we identify whether certain sexual practices are associated with certain STIs.

  1. What are the possible risks and disadvantages of taking part?

The questionnaire contains some sensitive questions. However, it is unlikely to cause distress, but please let us know if they do and we will arrange some help.

  1. Do I have to take part in this research project?

Participation in any research project is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, just push the ‘no’ button or exit the questionnaire at any point.

Your decision whether to take part or not to take part, or to take part and then withdraw, will not affect your routine treatment, or your relationship with those treating you.

  1. What are the alternatives to participation?

You do not have to take part in this research project.

  1. What if I withdraw from this research project?

If you decide to withdraw from this research project, please notify a member of the research team before you withdraw.

  1. What happens when the research project ends?

This study will be running on an ongoing basis. Any results from this study will be available on the MSHC website in summary format.

 Part 2    How is the research project being conducted?

  1. What will happen to information about me?

By ticking the box ‘Yes – willing to help’, you consent to the research team to access the answer collected from this survey and any STI test results you have had today. Any information obtained in connection with this research project that can identify you will remain confidential and securely stored. It will only be disclosed with your permission, or in compliance with the law. In accordance with relevant Australian and/or Victorian privacy and other relevant laws, you have the right to request access to the information collected and stored by the research team about you. You also have the right to request that any information with which you disagree be corrected. Please contact the research team member named at the end of this document if you would like to access your information.<9 />

It is anticipated that the results of this research project will be published and/or presented in a variety of forums. In any publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified, except with your permission. 

  1. Who is organising and funding the research?

This research project is being conducted by researchers from Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, and Monash University. This research project is financially supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) programme grant. The NHMRC has no benefit financially from this research project. No member of the research team will receive a personal financial benefit from your involvement in this research project (other than their ordinary wages).

  1. Who has reviewed the research project?

All research in Australia involving humans is reviewed by an independent group of people called a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).  The ethical aspects of this research project have been approved by the Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee. This project will be carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies. 

  1. Further information and who to contact?

The person you may need to contact will depend on the nature of your query.

If you want any further information concerning this project or if you have any medical problems which may be related to your involvement in the project (for example, any side effects), you can contact the following people:

Clinical contact person

Name  Prof Eric Chow
Position Principal Investigator
Telephone  (03) 9341 6233

If you have any complaints about any aspect of the project, the way it is being conducted or any questions about being a research participant in general, then you may contact:


Complaints contact person (please give this person the following project number: 571/17) 

Contact person Complaints Officer: Office of Ethics & Research Governance, Alfred Health
Telephone (03) 9076 3619


ASAP | Participant Information Sheet | version 4.2 | 1-Jul-2021