Filter completed research studies
Stealthing experience study
Stealthing study

Non-consensual removal of condoms, colloquially referred to as ‘stealthing’, is the removal of a condom during sex by a sexual partner when consent has only been given for sex with a condom.

StepUp pilot study
StepUp: Treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis

Current treatments for bacterial vaginosis (BV) are associated with high recurrence rates. Can treating the partner affect BV recurrence?

StepUp randomised controlled trial
StepUp study: Treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis

Did you know that 1 in 2 women with bacterial vaginosis can get it again?

Strategies to prevent bacterial vaginosis study
Stop BV study

Current treatments for BV are associated with high recurrence rates. Does the hormonal contraceptive pill affect BV recurrence?

Study of asymptomatic men who have sex with men with M. genitalium
MnM study

MG causes NGU in men and is associated with PID, spontaneous abortion, and premature labour in women. MG is often resistant to treatment.

Study on syphilis
SOS study

Syphilis transmission is increasing, particularly among men who have sex with men. Precisely how Treponema pallidum is transmitted sexually from person to person is unclear.

Supporting timely & appropriate review & treatment of STIs online
STARTOnline study

Have you ever wanted to get expert STI advice before seeing a doctor? 

T-cell recovery following HIV infection study

Successful treatment in HIV infected individuals relies on the immune system recovering.

Taking charge study

Why are overseas-born gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) who have recently arrived in Australia at higher risk of acquiring HIV than Australian born gbMSM?

Test me study

Young rural people face obstacles when seeking sexual health care.

Understanding rapidly rising rates of gonorrhoea & chlamydia in MSM study
QSTAG study

Bacterial STIs can be found in saliva. Sexual practices involving saliva may impact STI transmission.

Understanding the pattern of kissing by age in men study

Gonorrhoea bacteria can be found in saliva. Kissing may contribute to transmission of oropharyngeal gonorrhoea.

Unlicensed brothels study

Sex workers working in the unregulated sex work sector have a higher prevalence of STIs. There is limited data on the size of the unregulated sex work sector in Victoria.

Urethral gonorrhoea in men who have sex with men study

Urethral gonorrhoea is not always symptomatic.

Use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 introduced the idea of physical distancing. Did COVID-19 influence the use of PrEP?

Vaginal microbiota & sexual activity study

Sexual activity may influence the vaginal microbiota.

What is it? study

People turn to the internet to help them self diagnose health conditions. Can we build a tool which supports accurate STI self-diagnosis?

Women on women health health study
WOW study

Sexual behaviours may influence the vaginal microorganisms of women and their female partners.

Women’s views on BV study

How do women feel about their experience of BV?

Young people in rural areas face barriers to accessing sexual health care study

Young people in rural areas face barriers to accessing sexual health care.

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