Completed in 2024

We would like to obtain your opinions/preferences when utilizing an AI-based Image Recognition tool. This application will help individuals know if their skin problem is related to an STI or not.

About the study

We are developing a website that uses a computer program to diagnose abnormal spots in the genital area.
Individuals can ‘upload’ a photo of the abnormal area on their smart phone and the app will detect STIs and other common genital skin conditions. Then, it needs to answer a few questions to get the final result.

Example steps on how to use the app

Who’s eligible

You are eligible if you

  • are 18 years old and above

  • have been sexually active in the past 12 months

What’s involved

You are invited to complete an anonymous online survey which takes 10 minutes. No information will be collected that could identify you. If you complete the survey, you will be asked whether you would like to enter a lucky draw to win an AU$50 gift card. Ten gift cards in total will be won. If you are willing to enter a lucky draw, you will be redirected to a separate survey to enter your contact details: name, mobile number and email address. Your contact details will not be linked to your responses to the main survey. Once the prize draw is completed and the winners are contacted, the list of contacts will be permanently deleted. You cannot enter the lucky draw unless you complete the survey. We anticipate that the lucky draw will be conducted in second half of 2024.


Principal investigator

Prof Lei Zhang

Associate investigators

Prof Christopher Fairley AO MB BS, PhD, FRACP, FAFPHM, FAChSHM, FAAHMS
Professor Doctor Jason Ong PhD, MMed (First Class Honours), MBBS, FAChSHM, MAICD
David Lee Nurse Practitioner
Alicia King B Occ Thy, M Int Com Dev
Phyu Mon Latt Research Student
Nyi Nyi Soe Research Student
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