Completed in 2013

We surveyed users of Let Them Know.

Let Them Know is a website designed for people with an STI to send either named or anonymous message to sexual partners to tell them they may be at risk of an STI. The SMS recommends that the partner go for STI testing and provides a link to a website for more detailed information.

The majority of users answered that they were more likely to contact a partner because of the website. Misuse of the service is identified and controlled, and measures are in place to monitor for and prevent abuse. Web-based notification systems encourage partner notification for people who may be uncomfortable to let their partner know in person.


Facilitating partner notification through an online messaging service: Let Them Know

Huffam S, Fairley CK, Chung M, Sze JK, Bilardi J, Chen MY

(2013), Sexual Health,

DOI: 10.1071/SH13007