Completed in 2024

We would like your opinion / preference when utilising a risk prediction tool. This application will help individuals assess their risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI)

About the study

The Melbourne Sexual Health Centre has developed an online tool called MySTIRisk to estimate your risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Before making MySTIRisk publicly available, we want to understand people's preferences to ensure it best meets community needs.

Who’s eligible

You are eligible if you 

  • are 18 years old and above. 
  • have been sexually active in the past 12 months. 

What’s involved

  • Complete a 10-minute anonymous online survey.
  • Answer questions about your preferences for features of MySTIRisk (e.g. cost, speed, accuracy, anonymity)
  • Review hypothetical scenarios and indicate your preferred options.
  • No identifying information will be collected.
  • Participants will be eligible to participate in the drawing for ten $50 vouchers.


Principal investigator

Prof Lei Zhang

Associate investigators

Prof Christopher Fairley AO MB BS, PhD, FRACP, FAFPHM, FAChSHM, FAAHMS
Professor Doctor Jason Ong PhD, MMed (First Class Honours), MBBS, FAChSHM, MAICD
David Lee Nurse Practitioner
Dr Tiffany Phillips
Alicia King B Occ Thy, M Int Com Dev
Phyu Mon Latt Research Student
Nyi Nyi Soe Research Student

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