This study looked at whether the treatment of the male partner of women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) was acceptable and treatment was tolerable.
Women who had symptomatic BV and their regular male sexual partner were recruited into the study. Both women and men were treated with oral and topical treatments.
We observed low recurrence of BV in a group of women with a past history of BV who were having unprotected sex with a regular partner following treatment and treatment of their partner.
This study supports the need for larger studies with longer follow up to assess the impact on BV recurrence.

Did you know that 1 in 2 women with bacterial vaginosis can get it again?
Combined oral and topical antimicrobial therapy for male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis: tolerability, acceptability and impact on the genital microbiota of couples
Plummer EL, Vodstrcil LA, Danielewski JA, Murray GL, Fairley CK, Garland SM, Hocking JS, Tabrizi SN, Bradshaw CS
(2018), PLOS ONE,