This study looked at whether using a hormonal contraceptive pill could lower the risk of getting bacterial vaginosis (BV).
We held a pilot open-label randomised controlled trial of combined (oestrogen-progesterone) oral contraceptive pill (COCP)-exposure aimed to examine its effect on BV-recurrence following first-line antibiotics compared to antibiotics alone. 95 women were recruited into the study
Our study showed that the hormonal contraceptive pill did not improve a cure of BV. The study did find that BV was found more often in women with an ongoing untreated regular sexual partner and a previous history of BV.
Combined oral contraceptive pill-exposure alone does not reduce the risk of bacterial vaginosis recurrence in a pilot randomised controlled trial
Vodstrcil LA, Plummer E, Fairley CK, Tachedjian G, Law MG, Hocking JS, Worthington K, Grant M, Okoko N, Bradshaw CS
(2019), Scientific Report,