Completed in 2010

This study estimated the number of unlicensed brothels operating in Melbourne, Australia.

At the time of the study, we estimated there were between 13 and 70 unlicensed brothels in Melbourne. We found that the number of unlicensed brothels in Melbourne is much smaller than is generally believed. Women in this sector are infrequently tested for STIs. As long as a licensing system persists, promotion of sexual health among women in this sector is likely to face hurdles.


Estimating the number of unlicensed brothels operating in Melbourne

Chen MY, Donovan B, Harcourt C, Morton A, Moss L, Wallis S, Cook K, Batras D, Groves J, Tabrizi SN, Garland S, Fairley CK

(2010), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,

DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2010.00476.x