General BV FAQs

Is BV a sexually transmitted infection?
What is it like to experience BV? What might my partner with BV be going through?
My BV keeps coming back, what can I do?
If my doctor has prescribed individual treatment (that does not involve treating a regular partner), can I have sex while taking the treatment?
What should I do if I forget to take a dose?
I have started antibiotic treatment, and all symptoms have gone away; can I stop taking the antibiotics now?

Partner treatment-specific FAQs

What is the experience of partner treatment like for partners with a penis?
If my doctor has given my partner and I treatment for BV, can we have sex while taking the treatment?
If my doctor has given my partner and I treatment for BV, do we need to take it at the same time?
As a partner with a penis, do I need to use both the cream and the tablets?
My regular sexual partner and I also have sex with other people, should they be treated too?