Whether you're coming into the Centre as a walk in or for a booked appointment, there's three things you need to do before you see a nurse or doctor:

  1. Scan the QR code to Check-in for your visit
  2. Complete your registration
  3. Wait in the waiting room to be called by a Doctor or Nurse


Register your arrival at the centre by scanning the QR code using your phone, you will be asked about your sexual history.

Please take a seat in the waiting area. The triage nurse will call you by your first name.

Wait to be called

Waiting times vary: you should allow at least two hours for your visit.

One of our nurses will call you for triage as soon as possible. 

The Triage Nurse will ask some personal questions to assess your health risks and decide whether or not it is best for you to be seen at MSHC or referred to a more appropriate service.

If it is very busy we may ask you to return to the Centre on another day.


A doctor or nurse will see you and ask some personal questions about your sexual health risks and general health.

You will have a discussion with them about what tests or treatment are appropriate.

Examination and tests

Part of a sexual health checkup may involve a genital examination and/or blood, swab and urine tests.

Sexual health examination

  • If you require an examination, the doctor or nurse will ask you to undress from the waist down.
  • Genital examination and testing is mostly painless but some tests may cause minor, temporary discomfort.  

Lab test results and follow up

After tests are taken, specimens are sent to a laboratory. Some results are available within about 30 minutes; others take one or two weeks.

We will explain whether you need to phone us or come back to get your results.


Medication may be prescribed on the day of your visit. MSHC has a pharmacy onsite.

All medications prescribed and dispensed at MSHC do not attract any out of pocket expense.

Some over the counter treatments are not available at the MSHC pharmacy and you may be directed to go to a retail pharmacy to purchase these.

Other important information

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre has an active research program. On rare occasions, instead of discarding your specimens after testing, they will be stored and may be used for future research purposes. Should this be the case, all identifiable information will be removed.

If you would not like your discarded specimens used for research, please inform your nurse or doctor who will mark this on your patient record. This decision will not affect your routine care or your relationship with those treating you at the Centre.

Health information privacy is important, find out more on this link about what happens to your health information